Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Shake Your Groove Thang!

The Wednesday night raves in Kintyre are all about having fun, but the one tonight was especially awesome -- it was 70's Disco Night on the roof, and it was packed! There was more hootin and hollerin going on, and the CLOTHES! Wild colors, bell bottoms, mini (I mean MINI) skirts .. and oh my gosh the big hair! We were all groovin', shaking our booties (and you've never seen a bootie shake until you've seen a Hassanov bootie shake!), getting down and getting funky to the Dobie Bros., KC and the Sunshine Band, Patti LaBelle, and .. of course! .. the BeeGee's! Was it like old home week for all you Caledonians who were ditching class, smoking a little of that whacky tobaccky, and secretly watching Saturday Night Fever at 1:00 a.m. back in the 70's? Here are a few pics -- thanks to Eleanor, they're not as dark as the previous ones. One of these days I'll figure out how to really get a close up. Love you all, you're the greatest!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Tango Madness

Huzzah to June Wozniak for hosting the most delightful tango party and raising mucho dinero for RFL! If you hadn't heard, the rumors of a secret venue where the lovely ladies of Caledon dress in a most wanton fashion (ankles ... even knees ... showing!) and dance those lovely, racy, latin tangoes with the gentlemen -- for a price! $300 for three dances; quite a bargain, if you had seen the gorgeous ladies! And at the end of the day, RFL benefitted by over $50,000L! So, ye men of Caledon, you should be proud of yourselves ... and also quite sated by having been surrounded by and wooed by the ladies with the seams up the back of their hose ................ Thanks also to Gnarli Abel, for building the venue. Rumor has it that it will be dismantled soon, which is such a shame because it was so perfect an atmosphere ... it could be that it would have become a favorite underground venue for dancing, flirting, teasing and perhaps even a lovely trist or two.

Welcome to my world!

Hello! I'm so happy to have you here. I will try not to bore you too desperately!

My dear friends Eleanor, June, and Kaye (who is also my sister) and I entered into a pact recently that in the next month we would all learn how to do something new in SL or related to it. I'm sure those three will be building wonderful things or mastering some incomprehensible (to me) technology. Me? I am technologically challenged to the nth degree, and as for building? I once made a flat board and put a texture on it to use as wallpaper in my bedroom but that's about the extent. It's not that I couldn't if I tried; it's just that I lose interest so quickly. Why build when I can buy, anyway??? No, my forte is really more right-brainish; I write. I love to write. I write stories. I write poems. I write letters and emails. And so I decided the very best thing for me to learn is how to blog. :) And here I am.

You may wonder why I picked today do this. Well, perhaps you won't wonder; perhaps you'll know. Because SL is completely down today. I tried to log in last night when my typist returned from seeing Phantom of the Opera (oh! what a show!) and found that logins were blocked. This morning (after sleeping until a decadent 10:00!!!) I discovered that the problem was not fixed and I could not log in. Poo. There go the weekend plans to sit around all day in my jammies decorating our new house! I was faced with a choice: Clean my house and do my laundry, or learn how to blog. Guess which I picked?

So now you know one little thing about me: I am not terribly self-disciplined.

I hope as the days and weeks and months go by, I will post things that might interest you enough to return now and then. I love pictures, so you can anticipate seeing many pictures of the wonderful Caldeon events that occur. I will share some of my stories and poems with you, too, and hope you enjoy them. Do you know, I used to keep my writing to myself out of fear that no one would like it, but I grew to realize that I am not writing for your enjoyment but for my own. And so, if you like it, that is a wonderful added benefit to me, because I like to give others pleasure, but I don't enjoy everything I read, and so I don't expect you to, either.

So then, welcome to my world; I hope you return often, and oh!!! how I hope you post replies, because I love dialogue, I love communicating, I love meeting people and making friends. Come, let us share this moment!